Say Goodbye to Belly Bloat with Mucoid Plaque Cleansing!

Mucoid plaque, often referred to as a sticky, rubbery substance lining the intestinal walls, is a topic of interest in the realm of digestive health. This mucus layer accumulates over time due to factors such as poor dietary habits and environmental toxins. Understanding mucoid plaque is essential for those exploring natural detoxification methods and seeking to enhance their overall well-being.

Removing mucoid plaque from your body can yield a myriad of health benefits. This resilient substance may hinder nutrient absorption and contribute to digestive discomfort. By effectively eliminating mucoid plaque through natural detoxification methods, individuals may experience improved digestion, enhanced nutrient absorption, and a revitalized sense of well-being. Clearing this sticky layer is thought to promote a healthier gut microbiome, potentially reducing bloating and supporting weight management efforts.

The one day intestinal cleanse is designed to remove mucoid plaque from the colon in just 1 day! I tried this cleanse earlier this year and at first was skeptical if it would work. I am someone who has tried nearly every cleanse out there and have never removed mucoid plaque. To my surprise, this cleanse did what it said it would do and I did eliminate mucoid plaque in a quick 24 hours.

The cleanse includes liquid, powder and tablet enzymes which you take every hour with lukewarm water. Throughout the day you are rotating between enzymes and lukewarm water only. This helps to hydrate and flush the bowels as well as break up mucoid plaque and undigested food. This is a liquid only fast and it is highly recommended that the 2nd day (release day) you stay on liquids only to maximize detoxification.

Day two I continued my liquid fast (water, green juice and herbal teas) and I did indeed remove mucoid plaque. Removing mucoid plaque and undigested food waste in the body can help improve skin and digestive health. It can help reduce brain fog, fatigue, constipation, bloating and skin conditions. I do believe this is the missing link when people cannot figure out their belly fat, “problem” area, no matter how much they workout and stay hydrated. The colon is the first place you should work on when trying to cleanse and restore total body health. You must clean house first in order to get the maximum benefits of all the good stuff you are putting in (vitamins, supplements, nutritious foods, etc.)

Post cleanse I highly recommend doing an at home enema or going to get a colonic. Again, just to ensure you are removing the most from this cleanse so that you can feel your absolute best after.

When breaking the cleanse remember, your body has been on liquids only for 24-48+ hours so you must slowly ease your way back into solid foods. Always start with easily digestible foods first like hydrating, juicy fruits, coconut water, juices or broth. From there you can incorporate sprouted coconut yogurt or soup. Grains, meat and dairy should be the last thing you introduce back into your diet. For a short fast like this you can ease your way back into your regular way of eating in 1-2 days.

Whether you have been in the holistic health realm for years or are brand new, this cleanse is for you. This will definitely be something I do 1-2 times a year for gut health maintenance.


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